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Cours & Séminaires
Executive Master en Management Public
Département de Management Public - CEB
Ecole supérieure de Commerce de Paris
Aix-Marseille III
Vietnam Courses

Anne Drumaux
Professeur ordinaire
Professeur ordinaire
Directeur académique Executive teaching en management public
Co-Directeur académique Masters SBS-Vietnam
Solvay Business School

ULB - CP 145
Av. F. Roosevelt 19
B - 1050 Bruxelles

tél : +32 (0)2 650 41 63
fax : + 32 (0)2 650 40 30





Public & Not for Profit Organizations Management


Professeur : Anne Drumaux

5 ECTS – 24h courses, 24h cases, 12h preparation

In the first part, the course introduces the managerial approach to the study of public sector and of non-profit organizations highlighting features that make management practises different across organizations. Scope of concerns is discussed in relation with border disciplines (public economics, political science and public law).

The second part introduces a short description of the state of art in reforms in OECD countries for the last 30 years. Two mains issues, both illustrated by examples: strategic management and performance measurement are discussed. In this part the course is aiming at providing a pertinent conceptual framework allowing students to analyse critical short and long terms issues and to understand performance key components of public and non profit organizations.

The third part of the course allows the students to develop competences in the diagnostic of on going reforms in real life cases: international public organizations and NGO specialized in development and environmental issues.














Solvay Business School - Université Libre de Bruxelles | CP145/1 - 21, avenue F.D. Roosevelt - 1050 Bruxelles - contact